VistaFax 1UF (discontinued model)VistaFax Thermal Copier

Discontinued Model: 1UF and 2UF

Discontinued in December 2004 when the manufacturing company Memofax closed.

VistaFax was available in 1UF (pictured) and 2UF format.

Commonly purchased and re branded under different names such as MemoFax, GBC FordiFax, Fordifax, Memo copy fax, Memo thermo fax and FordiFax - all were commonly 1UF models.

Similar operation to the new A4 Thermal-Copier model, however VistaFax machines use a drive cone and many mechanical parts to operation, causing greater repairs when parts break or wear.

VistaFax 2UF Model
VistaFax 2UF Model

Spare Parts

Spare parts and servicing for VistaFax remain available - view now . .


Support and Information


VistaFax Operation Manual - view now . .

Unpacking/ Packing a VistaFax for transport - view now . .




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Products: VistaFax 1UF - Discontinued model

Manufacture Notice: This model was discontinued in December 2004 and is listed for reference only.

Last modified: 27 October, 2009